How to be creative on a Sunday afternoon

Make plans to go outside

Drop them if it’s raining 

Gather the world in your head

And steep into life

Like tea leaves in water

Let others remember your touch

At the tip of their hearts

-adee, June 28, 2015 @delhidreams
Half past one on a beautiful Sunday. It was raining outside. I wanted to go to the Hampstead Heath and spend time there enjoying the family day celebrations. An Indian, more specifically a Rajasthani band was supposed to perform but I wasn’t sure if anything would be on as the rain became more than a drizzle. Anyways, I made a cup of Yorkshire tea and was reading this insanely good book ‘How to Stay Sane’ by Phillipa Perry. This poem arose from the deliberations I’ve been having with myself, about doubting my creativity and the nature of creativity itself.

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